On Wednesday 29 Oct 2003 7:48 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> I would pay attention here.
> Oct 29 19:05:58 anne-linux upsmon: Fatal error: insufficient power
> configured!
> Oct 29 19:05:58 anne-linux upsmon:
> Oct 29 19:05:58 anne-linux upsmon: Sum of power values........: 0
> Oct 29 19:05:58 anne-linux upsmon: Minimum value (MINSUPPLIES): 2
> I don't have a system I can look at/ test to see what it should be
> but it seems that your config file power values add up to 0 which
> is what it's really complaining about.  It would seem that the
> error about writing the lock file is designed to through you off
> track *grin*.

The sample file seems to be saying that 1 is usually right for a 
single machine, and that's what I tried up to an hour or so ago.  I 
don't know where it's getting that 'sum of power values' or what it 
means by it, so I'm stumped.

It's not life-threatening, but I hate having things badly configured.  
I could always get rid of upsmon, of course, and save myself a lot of 
bother, but then....

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