On Thursday 30 Oct 2003 12:21 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
> > The problem for me is that the hardware router does not allow
> > GnomeMeeting to have a range of ports open (it uses h.323
> > tunneling), so I'm thinking that I will need, eventually, to set
> > my box dmz and rely on the software one, suitably configured.  I
> > am quite prepared to make the switch to dmz for the duration of a
> > session (it won't be too frequent), but I want the second layer
> > in first.  Consequently, I can use dmz to test the rules, going
> > back behind the hardware f/w as necessary.
> What kind do you have?  You should be able to open up an entire
> range, as small or large as you want and configure GnomeMeeting to
> simply confine to that range.  I have a range open for passive ftp
> and it appears to work fine.
SMC/7401BRA  We chose that one, knowing nothing about routers, because 
at least the manufacturer put the manual on the website, and it 
looked reasonable.  I've regretted it a bit, but that's hindsight.  
You can open around 10 ports, (total of tcp and udp), but no ranges.

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