On Tuesday 04 Nov 2003 12:58 pm, Ken Walker wrote:
> Unplug the hub and plug a single device into the port on the PC. If
> it works then its the hub, if not, try all the devices you had
> plugged into the hub one at a time, cos it might just be your first
> choice that's stopping everything. If all fails its then down to
> the machine/operating system.
> :o)
> Do one thing at a time and you should soon find the reason.
I could not get usb working again at all.  I tried everything plugged 
in directly, but no joy.  I then booted to another kernel, started 
the driver module with a manual insmod, and all the usb stuff works.

I have come to the conclusion that GnomeMeeting with the pwcx driver 
module is not compatible with the win4lin patched kernel.  I 
therefore tried to get rid of it - and have ended up with a big 
problem.  I took the insmod line out of modules.conf and rebooted, 
but I am still seeing 

finding module dependencies:  depmod:  *** Unresolved symbols in 

so it must still be loading the module, I think.  Anyway, it gets to 
probing the hardware, and freezes.

There has to be a way of finding and deleting the startup line that is 
causing it.  Any pointers, please?

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