On Wednesday 05 Nov 2003 6:06 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> lsmod | less to see what's loaded and what depends on what.
> modprobe -r [module] to remove a module.
> grep -r [string] /etc to see where it's being loaded.
Thanks, Jack.  That should help a lot.

Whilst trying to sort this out I found a work-around, but I don't 
really understand what's happening, because I don't know enough about 
what loads and when.  What happened was that I found the /etc had not 
only modules.conf, but modules.conf.pwcx .  At first I thought that 
this was a backed up files, the sort that you get when a careful 
driver addition writes out the old file to a backup before amending 
it, so I ignored it.  Eventually I wondered if this file was actually 
being read and acted upon during the load, so I moved it to my home 
directory to see what happened.

I still saw the warning message during the load, so it's still being 
loaded somewhere, it seems, but I no longer had the problem getting 
into my desktop.  However, trying to run GnomeMeeting showed that it 
was not loaded, (or maybe incompletely - from trying your suggestions 
above it seems that there are two parts to it).  I used the manual 
insmod and GM worked, and what's more the usb hub, scanner etc. no 
longer had problems.

It's no longer a problem to me, but to turn this into a learning 
opportunity, can you tell me any more about what is likely to be 

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