On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 23:25, t_gecks wrote:
> Another great sync tool to mention would be unison in my eyes. I've 
> tried several and this has come out as the best for my needs, it 
> synchronizes in both directions, presents you a list of what to do which 
> you can edit and has the ability to sync over ssh, rsh and ftp or 
> locally. It exists in a Windows version, too.
> http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/

Funny that you mention this.  I just grabbed it two days ago and I
really like the way it dual syncs, notices files that are deleted etc. 
Turns your laptop into a palm in a sense, working over the internet or
lan.  I've a couple of minor "Man I wish" type things. Like being able
to declare multiple directories in a single profile but the truth is. 
It works and works rather well.  It even backups soft links as a
softlink, not as a file or dir.


> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
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