Hi, fellow MDK-ers. I may be repeating myself, but I am not as much of a MDK 
"geek", as a network person trying to use (and paying for it!) the MDK 
solution as underlying system for my network and security tools ... this as 
an introduction (to point my "end-user" status, if you will, and how many 
customers of MDK may perceive the issues) ;)

I pre-ordered and just got the 9.2 package, and I already have some questions:

1. I have been reading on this list and its archives about tons of problems 
with the new release. I have already run into one that some others may have 
experienced (doing an online update screwed up afterwards all the menus I had 
in KDE). 
[Q] - is there a repository of all the known and still unpatched screw-ups, on 
the MDK web site? And possibly workarounds?

2. I have purchased the Pro-Pack (I think ?!? - it is the one with 9 CDs and a 
workstation DVD), but without the manuals (of course, as I was the one having 
gotten burned before with the purchase of their special "Definitive Manual" - 
which was a piece of worthless paper, falling apart, also). The package and 
invoice do not contain any product ID.
[Q] Having paid "something" ($139.95), I was expecting to be able to register 
and get support for the <whatever_time_frame_30_days_?!?>, so I can get to 
the main purpose of my install, i.e. trying new tools and recompiling my 
stuff. But there is no product ID I could use. Am I wrong assuming that for 
the commercial package one would expect some support to begin with? I am 
willing and capable of looking and resolving issues on my own, but I have 
some (I consider them decent) pre-requisites for things I pay for ... am I 
totally off?

3. I used to use easy urpmi's web site to build additional sources for 
packages (eventually replacing even the need for CDs). I have tried a couple 
of 9.2 ones, from the same http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php I have 
been using for 9.1, but almost all the variations I have tried had failed one 
way or another (in the middle of updates, or not being able to contact sites 
at all, etc.). I am still successful in using the 9.1 ones (with a minor 
exception - it looks like my favorite French club-internet.fr source site is 
not working anymore with curl, and I have to use wget ... as of a week and a 
half ago).
[Q] Does anybody know if the 9.2 is still too "crude" to count on the easy 
urpmi repositories of source sites? Are those still unstable for this new 

[Overall-Qs] Does this whole 9.2 look really embarrassingly unprofessionally 
released to any of you? I have tried Suse/Novell 9.0, while awaiting for my 
9.2 MDK package, and I was quite impressed with it ... and the only reason of 
not switching over being their lack of an urpmi-like tool (apt was not enough 
for what I was trying to do). Are we seeing here a Merecedes vs. Renault 
difference developing (I used to use both types of cars heavily, while in 
Europe, and I have this strange feeling about distributions now, the same 
way) ;)?

I sure hope nobody blames the above on my lack of trying to resolve issues by 
researching myself. It is more of a - perhaps unwarranted - little bit higher 
than "figure it out yourself" expectation, from a commercial product. 

I apologize for your time spent reading this,

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