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Here's a relative minor ("minor" because I am experienced with linux for the 
most part and know to try a few things before assuming totally broken) 
quality item:

I received the pro pak.  7 CDs.  Installing, I get to a point where it asks 
for me to insert the Contrib CD (cdrom7).  Now then, there are no numbers on 
the CDs to indicate which CD is which (1 and 2 are REASONABLY obvious as they 
are Installation 1 and 2) and, worse, there is NO CD named "Contribs".  There 
IS a CD named "Supplementary Apps" but no "Contribs".  

Suggestion:  in the future, make sure the installation procedure uses names 
that actually match the names on the CDs.  Either change "Supplementary Apps" 
to "Contrib" or (better "AND") place numbers on the CDs.  I made a guess that 
"Contribs" likely meant "Supplementary Apps" as the other CDs were named 
"Commercial Apps", "Sources 1", and "Sources 2".  I half feared I would get 
an error message indicating that I was missing a CD (that "Supplementary 
Apps" wasn't equivalent to "Contribs" or "cdrom7") and would thus lose some 
unknown amount of software functionality.

Other than that, the installation was flawless, though I would prefer a more 
direct means of setting my hostname.  I don't want to have to configure my 
network connection, etc, etc, to simply name my host.  In the past, following 
this path has put me down the ugly path of the network wizard which simply 
screwed up my connections.  Fortunately, one doesn't get stuck in the wizard 
upon selecting "OK" or "Apply" when setting the hostname (or zeroconf name).


On Wednesday 12 November 2003 11:50 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> > [Overall-Qs] Does this whole 9.2 look really embarrassingly
> > unprofessionally released to any of you? I have tried Suse/Novell 9.0,
> > while awaiting for my 9.2 MDK package, and I was quite impressed with it
> > ... and the only reason of not switching over being their lack of an
> > urpmi-like tool (apt was not enough for what I was trying to do). Are we
> > seeing here a Merecedes vs. Renault difference developing (I used to use
> > both types of cars heavily, while in Europe, and I have this strange
> > feeling about distributions now, the same way) ;)?
> okay, that's bordering on troll :-)
- -- 
"Our ship is in the hands of pilots who are steering directly under full sail 
for a rock.  The whole crew may see this course to violate our liberties in 
full view if they look the right way."
- --Samuel Adams, 1771
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