Looks like I should have read more about Staapl before writing that
email. I guess you do the equivalent of DCN by your peephole
optimizations. The thing about Factor's compiler is, it does this in a
more general way. You should look at Slava's past blog posts, or read
the code, if you're interested in knowing more about it.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Daniel Ehrenberg<micro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Tom,
> This is a good question. There's a lot of literature on peephole
> optimization, and I've read very little of it. I bet it'd be relevant
> here, though there are special complications for a stack language.
> Peephole optimization has limits, since you can't do much with control
> flow, and the linearization order of instructions has a big impact on
> what optimizations can be done. But it's not totally outdated; GCC
> uses a technique based on peephole optimization for its instruction
> selection pass, even though they could have gone with a more general
> tree/dag rewriting approach. It seems like a reasonable way to do
> things for a simple compiler like yours.
> Well, here's a way to view a system like the one you're talking about
> formally: consider your rewrite rules, and the program, and say all
> the rewrite rules are optional and can be applied in any order to any
> part of the program at any time. Now you have a set (hopefully finite,
> if your rewrite rules have a certain monotonicity property) of
> programs which implement the original code, and which the rewrite
> rules can give you. If the rewrite rules are monotonic, then there's
> an easy procedure to optimize the program: list out all programs,
> calculate their efficiency, and select one of the best ones. The task
> now is to construct an efficient algorithm to find an optimal program,
> by some metric.
> But I guess I'm not saying anything very helpful in that paragraph,
> since I didn't give you the algorithm. It depends on the structure of
> the rewrite rules. The phrase "rewrite rule" implies the most general
> thing possible, and you can't make an algorithm on something so
> general. With something like an optimizer, I don't understand why
> things have to be confluent. Maybe the algorithm to find the optimal
> series of peephole optimizations will be a confluent subset of the
> general rewriting system of all valid peephole optimizations; is this
> what you mean? If you have a confluent and always-terminating rewrite
> system, it's really easy to do the rewriting, so that'd be a reason to
> think about confluent rewriting systems, but they're not the only
> thing you should consider.
> On the topic of optimizing stack-based code: Factor's compiler might
> be the most advanced stack-based compiler ever constructed. It does
> not use peephole optimizations. The stack checker and compiler
> 'frontend' (high-level IR) form a stack code to stack code optimizer
> which is much more powerful than a peephole optimizer, taking control
> flow into account. The intermediate form is based on SSA, but at the
> same time the stack is always present; SSA values refer to stack
> locations. The most important pass is Sparse Conditional Constant
> Propagation, which can be done on a stack-based, tree-structured IR
> with no special difficulties. The last step, in the conversion to
> low-level IR, ignores the SSA values and lets things be passed around
> on the stack that was there the whole time.
> On register-based architectures (like the PIC18, right?), doing
> everything with a stack is inherently inefficient because of peeks and
> replaces on the top of the stack. A major goal of Factor's low-level
> optimizer (arguably the main goal) is to eliminate redundant peeks and
> replaces between subroutine calls, exposing a value structure that
> other optimizations and the register allocator can use. It seems like
> any advanced-enough compiler for a stack language should have some way
> of eliminating redundant peeks and replaces, and Factor's
> deconcatenatization algorithm is an elegant solution to this problem.
> Dan
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:21 AM, Tom Schouten<t...@zwizwa.be> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I guess this is mostly for Daniel, but anyone else of course feel free
>> to chime in...
>> I'm trying to get a better idea about rewriting systems for
>> concatenative languages, particularly in the area of specification of
>> peephole optimizations.  It's been on my mind for a while, but I've
>> always side-stepped any non-deterministic computations.  I.e. in
>> Staapl[1], the PIC18 code generator[2] is written using an eager
>> pattern matching approach, essentiall re-interpreting already
>> generated machine code as stack machine code that can then be
>> partially evaluated together with the currently compiling primitive
>> operation.  (Explained here[3] in some detail).
>> I've always been suspicious that this formulation, while it works well
>> in practice and has a certain elegance, is a special case of a more
>> general, non-confluent rewriting system.
>> It seems to me that if there are any interesting optimizations to
>> make, they are not going to be unique and depend on which path through
>> the reduction rules is used to get to a particular irreducible
>> expression.
>> And then it stops.
>> I have some intuition about reduction machines, as long as they
>> compute a unique solution (lambda calculus w. strict eval (CEK
>> machine) and lazy eval using graph reduction, ...) but I'm not sure
>> how to view the other cases where you have a bunch of rewrite rules
>> and you ask the compiler to pick a sequence of reduction rule
>> applications that leads to the ``most optimal'' reduction under some
>> kind of cost function (for PIC18 this would be the machine code
>> length).
>> I hope this makes some sense..
>> Any ideas on this welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> Tom
>> [1] http://zwizwa.be/staapl
>> [2] http://zwizwa.be/darcs/staapl/staapl/pic18/pic18-unit.ss
>> [3] http://zwizwa.be/archive/staapl.html
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