I've added some documentation for concurrency.distributed that
includes an example on how to use it. This can be accessed when
browsing the help for that vocab or through:

"concurrency.distributed.example" help

It is a reworking of the stuff I wrote in my original blog post to
account for recent changes:


The words 'register-process', 'get-remote-process' and
'unregister-process' have been renamed to 'register-remote-thread',
'get-remote-thread' and 'unregister-remote-thread' respectively. All
references to 'process' (which is what I called threads in my original
threading library for Factor) are now changed to 'thread'.

I've also fixed 'channels.remote'. This was actually broken and no
longer worked. It should now work and I've updated the example in the
help for changes as well. The help for that can be directly accessed

"remote.channels" about

My original blog post about these was:


These are available in my git repository in the 'concurrency' branch:


and hopefully in the main factor repository sometime.


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