Hey all,

I noticed that the GitHub mirror (slavapestov/factor) has some
corruption in it. Specifically, there are a fair number of trees that
have zero-padded file modes, which is technically illegal, and which
prevents cloning if you have transfer.fsckObject set in Git.[1] The
official repository on factorcode.org seems fine, so I suspect that it's
just one of the un-merged branches causing a problem. Would it be
possible to rebuild the GitHub mirror without the bad objects? This is
mostly so I can be incredibly lazy and use hub[2] to make pull requests,
instead of using the website. I'd be happy to help if need be.

Thanks, --Benjamin

[1]: And I strongly recommend that you do, since Git otherwise won't
     actually bother verifying that the objects it receives match their
     SHAs and are valid--which is likely how we got into this situation
     in the first place.
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