My first-ever ANS-Forth program was LowDraw.4th that was written about 12-15 
years ago. It is now one of my example programs in the novice package: This program does a recursive-traversal of all 
the possible hands in LowDraw  poker given various drawing strategies and 
calculates the probabilities. 
The subject of bench-marking has been discussed a few times on comp.lang.forth 
and I have suggested that my program would make a good benchmark. Most 
benchmarks involve doing the same simple calculation repeatedly inside of a 
loop and/or testing what code-library functions are available, which provides 
almost no information about the language speed. My program is non-trivial at 
the level of a real-world program, but is yet simple enough that most 
programmers should be able to implement it in their favorite language over a 
weekend (note: today is Friday).
I think that Factor has a good chance of beating SwiftForth, but is unlikely to 
come close to VFX (there are free evaluation versions of both available for 
download). I would be interested in seeing how Factor compares. I would also be 
interested in seeing how Oforth compares (is Oforth discussed on this forum at 
I'm learning R right now, and intend to port my program over to R to benchmark 
R's speed (I'm not expecting R to be very fast). The advantage of R seems to be 
a lot of code-libraries for statistics, and convenient representation of arrays 
of numbers. Factor's sequences should be equally convenient --- how does Factor 
compare in regard to code-libraries for statistics? --- I'm trying to learn 
statistics these days, which is a subject I have always wanted to know more 
I still have my STUNDURD.TXT design of a micro-controller that supports 
quotations at the machine-language level --- right now you have to have me 
email it to you if you are interested, because website is 
stuck (the guy who maintains it had a stroke) --- afaik, Stundurd Forth is an 
appropriate topic for this forum, as is any Forth-derived language that 
supports quotations.
regards --- Hugh
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