nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Also it is very non-traditional to not use Om (omkara) with the 
> mantra.  
>> Which is even a greater controversy since MMY got the idea that it 
>> causes poverty but look at all the Indian millionaires who practice 
>> traditional mantras with Om in them.
> You conviniently skip the shakti and blessing from the teacher and his 
> traditiohn behind any matra. 
> And you may well choose to ignore a teachers instruction/advice if you 
> want, thats your choice. Personally I have not met 1 (and I have met 
> many) millionar or billionar for that matter in India that have 
> practiced meditation with Om. Chanting it here and there in Temples 
> (which they often visit) or at their pujatables in their homes yes 
> indeed. But quiet meditation using OM - never.
No I didn't conveniently skip that because I'm discussing the mantras 
and not their method of transmission.  That's another subject which I 
have also written about in the last few days.  Do you understand why I 
used planetary mantras?

I would say you don't know many or maybe any Indian billionaires then.  
My guru has a client who is an Indian billionaire.  Most wealthy Hindus 
who do sadhana don't do TM but practice things they learned from 
childhood which are very traditional.  Maybe you should ask your 
neighborhood convenience store owner, if they're Indian, about mantras 
without Om and see what answer you get.

And I was not speaking about just meditating on Om alone.

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