In a message dated 10/16/07 1:47:41 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I know  several folks/families who live off the grid and use solar. 
Once I house  sat for a couple in their 2500 square foot log home and 
they had a huge  capacity washer/dryer, ac, appliances, lights, garage 
door opener, etc. --  the whole works -- and although they had a back-
up gas generator, they  said they could go for 9 days with no sun at 
all, using all their  appliances as per usual, before they'd have to 
turn the generator  on.

My former spouse installed solar panels on her home in Davis last  
year and I don't believe she's had to pay anything to PG&E yet, but  
has received payments from them every month for the excess 
electricity  she sells back to the grid.

>From anecdotal reports it seems that we do  have the technology now, 
but costs are a crucial factor in the initial  switch to solar.

Well it seems to me that every knew home built would be equipped with solar  
panels in that case. It definitely would be a selling feature for  houses.  
But then maybe there is a conspiracy among builders and energy companies, you  
know kind of like the one between Big Oil and Big  Auto.

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