--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > There is no need to posit GOD as thinking your f.. mundane 
> > thoughts. OMG, give God a little more credit. If GOD thought 
> > your thoughts, the THOUGHTS would so f... blast you to 
> > NOTHINGNESS (Jai Sarte) -- its not even polite to imagine 
> > the carnage.
> LOL. I didn't read whatever post this is bouncing
> off of, but I have to agree with new here. Like
> God (if there were one) has nothing better to do
> than think *your* thoughts. That's one bored-ass
> God, if you ask me.  :-)
> > Thoughts come because of your past mundane attachments. And 
> > your reaction to oncoming karma (responses based on learning 
> > and education -- again karma-based).
> Or (perish the...uh...thought), one could just 
> suck it up and admit that one has NO IDEA where
> thoughts come from. That's the real story, as 
> far as I can tell, for everyone on this planet.
> They make up stories about where thoughts come
> from, but not one of them knows for sure. And,
> unable to *admit* that they don't have a clue,
> they make up stories and claim that those stories
> are not only a clue, but *the* clue, "the Truth."
> Me, I don't have a clue where my thoughts come 
> from, and I don't really care. They certainly
> don't come from God. If there is one, He/She/It
> has far better things to do than create the stuff
> that goes through my brain.
> > And why Randomness and Predetermination are the only 
> > two choices -- thats trip down blinders-on thinking. 
> > There are SO many more possibilities.
> Indeed there are. I don't believe in either. As
> I said earlier, I DON'T KNOW, and doubt I ever
> will. There are elements to life that seem 
> pattern-like, but that could happen without the
> intervention of any kind of God. And there are
> elements of life that seem random, and *that*
> could happen *with* the simultaneous presence
> of a God as well.
> I guess the bottom line for me is that, as new
> suggests below, claiming that God "does every-
> thing" and/or "thinks all my thoughts" sounds
> a tad...uh...self important to me. It's like, 
> "God has nothing better to do than to plan all
> the minutiae of my life and every detail of it."
> Yeah, right. *That* is certainly likely. :-)
> Besides, who would really want to *live* in a 
> world that you have no choice in, and no possible
> effect on? That, after all, is the bottom line 
> of believing in either predestination or God-
> running-everything. BORING. *This* is what some
> people believe to give their lives "meaning?"
> I can't possibly imagine anything *less* mean-
> ingful than believing that you're some kind of
> robot or puppet just acting out "God's will."
> But people are different, and some might just
> find this belief the most inspiring thing in
> the world. Go figure.
> > So rock on, if you need to get off on the image -- and 
> > illusion -- of GOD thinking your thoughts (just a bit 
> > grandiose and meglomanic are we?) I thought we left maya 
> > back at the last train stop.
> Exactly.
> It should be pointed out that most of the horror
> conquerors and megalomaniacs the planet has pro-
> duced claimed that "God thinks my thoughts." They
> were "in tune" with "God's will." They knew what
> God had in mind with His/Her/Its Grand Plan, not
> only for them personally, but for everyone else.
> Yeah, right. We all see how well *that* worked out.
> Personally I think we're all a great deal safer 
> with people who believe "different strokes for 
> different folks and not one of us has a lock on 
> 'Truth'" than we are with people who believe that
> they or others "know 'the Truth' and we should 
> believe them and do what they say." The latter 
> have fucked up this planet for centuries, and
> have justified war after war after war after 
> atrocity after genocide by doing what God told 
> them to do as He/She/It was "thinking their 
> thoughts for them," and by convincing others
> to do the same.
> Give me someone who thinks his *own* thoughts any
> day, and who realizes it. That person is "handleable"
> and can be kept under a modicum of control by other
> people who think their own thoughts. They're not all
> that likely to get totally out of control, in a mega-
> death sense. 
> But the ones who claim that God thinks their thoughts, 
> or that God is telling them what to do, or that they 
> "know" what God wants done? Scary as hell. Those are 
> the people this planet needs to be wary of, and to 
> never allow within a mile of having any kind of power 
> over others. 
> Just my opinion, which is really mine. God had 
> absolutely nothing to do with creating it.

Its OK man. God still LOVES you.

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