The TM Program Prime Directive: 
The Belgium Declaration

"What we teach is something to be done 15, 20 minutes morning and 
evening.  Regarding other things? We have no opinion.  We leave a man 
to do what he wants to do.  We just teach Transcendental Meditation, 
give the knowledge of the pure creative intelligence.  What he should 
do, what he should not do, he will decide in his own level of 
consciousness.  Nothing, neither we advice on religion, nor diets, 
nor anything, do's and don'ts we don't talk about.  Simply, 
innocently teach the practice, give the knowledge pertaining to the 
practice, satisfy all the doubt and questions regarding understanding 
and then leave the man to be with his tradition, with his culture, 
with his way of life, with everything that he wants to do.

"Just 15 minutes morning and evening.  He can practice hundreds of 
meditations, we don't mind. As long as he does this 15-minutes, 20-
minutes morning and evening, he will enjoy, begin to enjoy everything 
that he will do, either meditation or no meditation or whatever. 
Whatever he will do in life, he will begin to enjoy more because 
everything will become more meaningful.  Just we concern ourselves 
with this practical aspect of this science.  Simple.  Very simple, 
very natural.

"One of the strengths of the World Plan is this innocence of our 
Movement, we never go into any other area except Transcendental 
Meditation.  That's all."

- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, March 12, 1974, Belgium.

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