jstein wrote: 
> Nobody loathes Chris Matthews more than I do.
> He's always had a man-crush on Bush for some
> unfathomable reason, but he was, in fact,
> outspoken against the Iraq war from the
> beginning, one of the very few broadcasters who
> were. I'd be flabbergasted if he supported a
> war now with Iran.
So, you agree with Matthews that we are in a war.
> For his opposition to the Iraq war, see this
> interview with Salon.com from February 2003
> (before the invasion):
> http://tinyurl.com/34syne
> (You'll need to watch a brief ad unless you're a
> subscriber.)
> Money quote:
> "And on the war, I think my numbers would be a lot higher
> if I were out there beating the drum for this war. In fact,
> I don't think it, I know it. But I can't be for the war. I
> can't find a reason to be for this war. I've looked, and I
> can't, so Im not. The people who are backing this war are
> more interested in their own ideology than what's good for
> the country. It's not about America. Which is scary." 
> In other parts of the interview, he nails
> the reasons why it was a bad idea; he foresaw
> them before most people did. And everything he
> predicted has come to pass.
> As repellent a personality as he is, you have
> to give him credit for his stance on the war.

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