In a message dated 11/10/07 8:31:21 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

I would  think somebody with ten years experience teaching
> constitutional law  could rattle off, in a couple of seconds,
> a couple of the more  egregious examples he would reverse.
> But.... maybe not.

I'm  sure he could have. But he may have assumed,
probably quite correctly, that  in a crowd where
such a question would come up in the first place
that  everyone would already be all too aware of
the more egregious examples, at  the very least,
so he didn't really need to spell them out and
would  make better use of his limited time by
answering other  questions.

Spelling out one or two points, if only briefly, would have been a selling  
point of why he should be elected. He missed an opportunity to show his mastery 
 of Constitutional Law to people that may vote for  him.

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