--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <rorygoff@> 
> wrote:
> > I spent a good bit of last night thinking about this post, 
> <snip>
> > Not too long ago, for example, after remembering that my body 
> contains 
> > all the stars, my attention was drawn to one in particular, and 
> I 
> > went there. Because the stars are all in my body, I knew the 
> > seemed a little "troubled" but that I could go there 
> in "Authority", as 
> > an ambassador or emissary of the will of my Love. As I shrank in 
> size 
> > or narrowed my awareness to approach a planet, it showed up 
> startlingly 
> > bright, mottled turquoise and russet -- less water than ours, 
> smaller 
> > oceans and more evenly distributed. I realized this was a "real" 
> > physical world, even to our ordinary sight, and asked its Earth-
> name so 
> > I could research it later. It said, "Ras...Tanni". That didn't 
> sound 
> > familiar, but I made a mental note. 
> > 
> > To my slight surprise I was drawn to an actual building; it was 
> > pyramid of huge stones rather loosely fitted. I dropped through 
> top 
> > into a chamber inside, where two biped beings stood. They were 
> pale, 
> > tall, and shining slightly and it was a little difficult to see 
> > phsyical detail, but they looked vaguely saurian, reptilian. I 
> greeted 
> > them slightly cautiously but in wholehearted Love-Will and 
> them 
> > my concern that their system align itself with the greater good 
> my 
> > star-body. They readily and respectfully agreed.
> > 
> > This was rather a profound shift for me. After I returned to and 
> > refocused on my "default" setting here, I went to the star 
> dictionary 
> > and found to my suprise there *was* something like Ras...Tanni. 
> al-
> > Tanni is a star in the Draco (Dragon) system, some say alpha 
> Draconis, 
> > which I seemed to remember was a star some of the Egyptian 
> > were oriented to.
> > 
> > I further noticed that after my encounter with the Saurians or 
> Dracos, 
> > my DNA had further shifted, and still another old fear-program 
> > dissolved. 
> <snip>
> UAU, this is wild! I just realized that this whole phenomenon was 
> essentially the "flip-side" of some much earlier experiences 
> maybe a year after "dying" -- when I wondered in meditation what 
> would be like to fuse the three primary Theosophical "Rays" of  
> Love, and Intelligence, and immediately found myself inside a 
> facing a column of fire with some trepidation: I realized I was 
> expected to enter the fire, and that when I did, it would change 
> DNA. After some hesitation, I stepped into it, and was instantly 
> no-time-space, pulled up through the top of the pyramid into a 
> vibrating OMMMMM so loudly it appeared to shake the whole 
universe; I 
> was informed this particular frequency was my "soul-note." 
> The next day I repeated the inquiry and found myself going through 
> the whole process again, this time going *through* the portal and 
> into a Council of Masters -- 12, around a central One with whom I 
> instinctively identified. 
> After that I saw how we all create world-events from this level, 
> through conscious or unconscious collective deep-sleeping/dreaming 
> and there deciding to "incarnate" or "dramatize" these events to 
> express specific feeling-messages from our Master-selves.
> (I later realized that fusing the three "Rays" fused the Trimurti 
> the 3 gunas, of which the OM or A-U-M is the collective result, 
> still later found Freemasonic resonances of this experience in 
> Initiation of Raising one to be a Master, where the 
three "ruffians" -
> - JubelA, JubelO, and JubelUM -- each possess a part of the Truth, 
> which needs to be reunited -- AOUM --.)
> So here we have the "recently-dead" me of 1983, entering the 
> to encounter and surrender up, essentially, into the radiant-fire 
> the "now-me" who has entered down into the pyramid as an 
> of Love in 2005 or therabouts, all to change our reptilian DNA, 
> in "Egypt" or its direct counterpart, "Ras-al-Tanni or alpha 
> Draconis" or whatever. *lol*
> This sort of thing has been happening a lot lately -- the 
> arrogant fiery Brahma-ego *finally* became at least partially 
> digested when I found myself acting out and *understanding* some 
> behavior I had *detested* in MMY -- his apparent favoritism 
> certain students, apparently handing them his mantle: why not *I*, 
> who was *certainly* at *least* as qualified and deserving as 
> *rofl*
> *Now* I fully get it. It *wasn't his choice,* any more than it is 
> mine. My love and appreciation and at-home-ness flows most sweetly 
> and fully to those who surrender most fully to me, to themSelf. 
> not a matter of choice; it's a matter of heart; it simply IS. I 
> not yet fully surrendered to MMY; how could I expect to receive 
> grace than I got? It's automatic! Now I see both sides of 
> this "Master-Disciple" dance.
> This was what I was getting in the Domes too, last year -- how 
> my "Raam-Raj" or ordinary MMY-Self with the simplest of thoughts 
> arranges all these experiences for my particle-Selves to perceive 
> enjoy and learn from and harmonize with, thereby increasing my 
> physical integrity and shifting my world into more and more of an 
> intensely manifest paradise. 
> More and more, I see, it is a meeting, merging, wrapping up and 
> fusing of all those parts of myself, past and future, "lower" 
> and "higher", who appeared to be stretched out over my personal 
> spacetime...bringing more and more of them into Here and Now.
> And despite how all of this vaporing blather may sound, more and 
> completely and emptifulfillingly simple and ordinary :-)
> Thanks for listening, you ME(s). I feel as if I learned something 
> value today, and it's all your fault :-)
speaking of fault, darned you for rekindling my love of reading 
through these utterly beautiful and fascinating posts of yours!! lol

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