Boo, Chopra was kicked out? Really? How do you know this? I thought he 
left on his own because he wanted to do his own thing. I assumed it 
was his own idea. That puts a new spin on things. 

--- In, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Chopra promoted MMY and his programs and MMY loved it because it
> brought in millions of dollars to the mov't for many years, not only
> with maharishi ayurved but all of MMY's money making programs.  Plus
> Chopra had the ability to attract many many rich influential people
> into mov't circles.  The movt had a brief fling of success with
> chopra.  The inability of MMY and the inner circle to handle a
> realistic and individualistic leader and the resultant kicking chopra
> out at Bevan's insistence is one of the fatal flaws of the movt.

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