Sal, I used to lecture on the Wash U. campus once a week -- Crow Hall comes to 
mind -- 
does that sound right to you?  Where did you learn, at the center on Arundel or 
at the 
Husch's house on Polo?  Who was your initiator?  Did you ever volunteer at the 

Very cool, indeed. I'd love to hear your STL stories from that time.



--- In, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 18, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Marek Reavis wrote:
> > Hey, Sal, I was tempted to reply when you and Judy were talking  
> > about Evanston, but now
> > with you explaining that you went to Wash U I'm compelled.  When  
> > did you go and when
> > did you graduate?  Did you learn TM while you were in STL?  It's my  
> > original home and
> > after TTC in '72 I taught TM there for a few years before moving  
> > and teaching at other centers.
> Hi Marek,
> Wash U, Class of '75, started TM in the fall of 73.    Did you teach  
> on the campus at all?  If so we probably crossed paths at some  
> point.  Most of the people in my small class as well as many others  
> who started at around that time also went to TTC.  I wasn't one of  
> them, life took me in a different direction at that point.
> We're all making so many connections here lately--this is what makes  
> FFL such a blast. :)  It's like an online college reunion that never  
> ends.
> Sal

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