10 - You consider Bevan Morris, John Hagelin and Tony Nader sex symbols.

9  - You actually believe TM is the fastest boat.

8 - You believe that theoretical quantum physics actually can explain consciousness and the effects of higher states of consciousness...and can explain it to anyone who's willing to listen long enough. If you can't explain it, you'd take non-TM friends to a TM lecture on the topic.

7 - You can quote, from memory, parts of the Science of Being and Art of Living or Maharishi's Translation and commentary to Ch. 1-6 of the Bhagavad-gita.

6 - You save spare money to buy rasayanas, herbal health products, cooking supplies and/or home beauty supplies only from MAPI.

5 - You are suspicious of other types of meditators but actually worry little about it since you believe you have the best meditation method there is on the planet.

4 - You haven't missed, at least 2 x 20 mins of meditation, for many years and/or feel very guilty if you do.

3 - You refuse to have contact or have diminished contact with other "non-meditators" outside the TM movement and/or shun those who've left for other gurus or scenes.

2 - You revere the Beatles and certain select list other celebrities (film producers, ayurvedic doctors, musicans/movie stars and a short list of approved saints) who endorse TM.

1 - You actually voted for John Hagelin for president and have "written in" his name every year since.

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