--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In all seriousness, this attempt to turn the actions of the 
> enlightened into a popularity contest for the unenlightened...

Why do you assume that others on this board are

Doesn't that imply a limitation in YOU? 

They might be fully realized and just not as 
insecure as you are and with a compulsive need
to tout your "superior" experiences. In other
words, they might be laying low like Tom.

And even if they're not, seems to me that a 
*real* enlightened person would see the enlight-
enment in them, and not think of them as 
> is probably the most absurd thing I've ever seen-- almost 
> demonic dude. 

It's not a "popularity contest," Jim. If it were,
you'd have no *chance* of winning.  :-)

Its a comparison of *behaviors* in several people
who have "stepped up to the plate" here on FFL and
made statements about their supposed state of
consciousness. My point was simply that one of
them has done so with class, and two have done
so without an ounce of class.

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