Yeah, I know you're right before starting.  While I do react, I'm also 
independent of the reaction.  Even so, I am pretty amazed at the lack of decent 
manners among people who claim an interest in the development of consciousness. 
 And by "manners" I don't mean the prissy bullshit you'd find in a ladies' 
afternoon tea party in the fifties either.  

curtisdeltablues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               --- 
In, Angela Mailander
 > Off, you amaze me!  What makes you think I'm anti-science? 
 Angela, If I were you I wouldn't take Off's comments as having
 anything to do with you.  I think he is a smart. somtimes entertaining
 guy, but he is posting pretty much feedback-free.  So don't think that
 you are having a dialog with a person who gives a shit or is really
 reading what you are writing.  This is not to diminish  how insightful
 or entertaining he can be, but to preserve your more sensitive nature.
  I think you are one of the posters who is really reacting to what is
 being written.  I'm pretty sure at this point that this is not a
 universal standard here. I'm also pretty sure I am preaching to the
 choir on this point, right? 
 > off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                 
              --- In, Vaj <vajranatha@>
 >  >
 >  > 
 >  > On Dec 12, 2007, at 1:13 AM, off_world_beings wrote:
 >  > 
 >  > > A million studies would not convince then about TM, yet it only 
 >  takes
 >  > > about 40-50 to change my mind on TM. This is the absolute truth 
 >  for
 >  > > me and totally proves their anti-science religious agenda to 
 >  ignore
 >  > > science for their own pathetic opinions.
 >  > 
 >  > 
 >  > What would it take for legitimate scientists to take TM/TMSP 
 >  seriously?>>
 >  They are already. 
 >  Five major universities conducting studies on TM as we speak, and $20 
 >  million (and rising) from NIH given to MUM for research based on 
 >  robust studies. This fact alone makes you cringe so crooked Vaj it is 
 >  hard to watch. You have nothing remotely of comparable strength to 
 >  back up your weak anti-science stance.
 >  The poor anti-science folks like Turq, Steven, boo-lives, newmorning, 
 >  Angela, Sal, Peter etc. ... are grasping at straws as they sink below 
 >  the waves of the progress of science.
 >  OffWorld
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