Vaj wrote:
> There's been a lot of desperation from the TM side 
> as their "science" has been shown to be unsound, 
> esp. their cardiac claims. This is merely another 
> attempt to side-step those findings.
The claim that TM lowers blood pressure is one of
the most agreed on effects of the TM practice, 
according to most researchers. Your comments indicate
a severe bias, so cannot be trusted. You almost
always attempt to mislead and misinform. You are
next to worthless as an informer. Almost all researchers
on meditation agree that ANY form of meditation lowers 
blood pressure.

"...the American Heart Association noted that "people 
with high blood pressure may want to medicate and meditate."

Full story:
'Meditation may lower blood pressure'
CNN, July 24, 2000

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