On Dec 13, 2007, at 12:10 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Vaj wrote:
> There's been a lot of desperation from the TM side
> as their "science" has been shown to be unsound,
> esp. their cardiac claims. This is merely another
> attempt to side-step those findings.
The claim that TM lowers blood pressure is one of
the most agreed on effects of the TM practice,
according to most researchers.

I would hope ALL researchers would agree it drops BP. That's a no- brainer. But unfortunately, the amount of drop is insignificant according to objective science.

Your comments indicate
a severe bias, so cannot be trusted.

Uh, they're not my comments, they're are researchers from the Univ. of Alberta.

Don't you know you're supposed to read the posts before responding?

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