Duveyoung wrote:
> There's millions of Arabs here already -- where's 
> the terrorism?
Well, there have been no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil
since 9/11, so I guess the present plan is working. But,
we need to secure our borders and send all the illegal
aliens back to where they came from. In Iraq the surge
is working, so we might still win the battle over there.
We'll probably have to send troops into Sudan soon to
stop the genocide there. So we'll need a president who
has the guts to do that.

"The United Nations documents that hundreds of people 
have been killed in about 20 land and air attacks 
carried out by the government of Sudan and its affiliated 
militia in the past six months. Humanitarian workers 
have also been victimized."

Read more:

'A Critical Moment for Darfur'
Wall Street Journal, December 11, 2007

What we don't need now is to call a retreat and give up
on spreading democracy. I support regime change - I'll
vote for whoever can best lead our troops to victory, 
but I have my doubts about Hillary Clinton: wasn't it 
her husband that retreated after just a single Black Hawk 
went down in Somalia? But Bill bombed the hell out of
Serbia - go figure. 

"A year after the U.S.-backed Ethiopian army toppled a 
hard-line Islamist regime in Somalia, the country has 
become Africa's worst humanitarian catastrophe."

Full story:

'Somalia has turned into Africa's worst humanitarian catastrophe'
By Shashank Bengali
Kansas City Star, Wed, Dec. 12, 2007

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