> > So, we are agreed that the U.S. is in a war. 
> >
Brian Horsfield wrote:
> You miss the point. Wars against non nation state enemies 
> are pretty much unwinnable since there is no definable 
> enemy. You have to essentially kill everybody to truly 
> declare "victory". 
Not everybody, Brian, just the terrorists.

> The US has LOST every war since WWII. 
The U.S. has NEVER lost a single war.

Rep. John Murtha Democrat from Pennsylvania, one the top 
war critics, stunned fellow Democrats late last week with 
his statement that "the surge is working," even though he 
added that political reconciliation has been lagging. 
Murtha's view was backed by Rep. Norm Dicks Democrat 
from Washington, who also said the surge worked after he 
returned from Iraq.

Read more:

'Reid pushes back on Iraq optimism'
Politico, December 03, 2007

> Paul voted against the war in Iraq and against the 
> Patriot Act showing true courage and leadership to 
> follow the Constition rather the fear mongering 
> promoters of war.
The Patriot Act passed the Senate with 98 votes in 
October 2001 with a single NAY:


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