Is Charlie saying that the poor and the desperate are born, not nurtured by 
economic policies? Seems a pretty important question to me.  

"do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
 It can be said that our world is really many worlds containing people
 at various levels of consciousness and behavior patterns, living
 within different geographical environments. So what may be truth for
 one level of consciousness and for one environment is probably not
 true for another.
 Some parts of the world reflect more negativity than other parts. Some
 parts are so negative that they are unable to embody constructive
 energy of expression. Also, some parts of the world will experience
 disastrous impacts either from human causes such as wars, etc., or
 from natural causes, such as earthquakes, tidal waves, fires, etc.
 The Earth at the present time is undergoing a cleansing of excess
 negativity. So, disasters of one nature or another will occur unless
 there are forces of creativity emerging in a strong fashion to
 neutralize the destructive forces. If we are in tune with God then a
 protective shield will surround us and keep us safe.
 In this world we experience just what we attract to ourselves, and
 this is determined by our attitude and by our devotion to God. Those
 who are in the process of expressing a more enlightened and positive
 awareness in life are attracting to themselves only creative and
 positive experiences. Their world holds no suffering or disaster for
 them - such is the nature of the world and the nature of nature itself.
 At the present time we live in a dual world; one open to experiencing
 negativity and destruction, the other open to manifesting positive
 creativity and peace in the world. 
 The coming of the new age heralds many changes; some radical and some
 not so severe. These changes, though resisted by many, will come. They
 will be destructive to many, yet uplifting to others. It will be the
 end of the world for many, yet the beginning of a new world for many
 more. If we live the law, the law will support us. If we do not
 support the law, we will be abandoned by the self-same law. The first
 law of creation is the law of love.
 In the future there will be many souls who will not be able to
 incarnate on this planet, for to do so would be to expose themselves
 to vibrations beyond their ability to withstand. On the other hand,
 there are numerous higher beings who would like to incarnate upon this
 Earth, only the vibrations at present are too low and too gross for
 them, because the Earth of today does have very intense material
 vibrations of a low nature. The Earth of tomorrow will, however, be a
 vastly different heavenly Earth. That is why it will be called, Heaven
 on Earth.
 Many people feel that destruction is a fast way into the new age, but
 it is not. It only creates new burdens and in many cases retards our
 progress. The object is not to destroy the old, but rather to
 superimpose the new over the old. The Earth did not create the low
 vibrations. The humans did this.
 The Earth is now in the process of raising its own vibrations so that
 truly there will be a new heaven and a new Earth, and there will come
 a flood of love that will cover the Earth from pole to pole. Those
 coming into this Earth will be high souls, and the path to liberation
 will be made much easier. Because then, we will have mastered our own
 human nature and we will be on our way to become masters of nature and
 ultimately masters of all of the universe.
 The prophesies of the scriptures will be fulfilled and there will be a
 new heaven and a new Earth and a new Jerusalem (meaning spirituality)
 will descend upon the Earth. A new Earth of heavenly vibrations will
 create a new heaven and a new Jerusalem - this means spirituality will
 descend upon the Earth and the devil (meaning negativity and
 destructive forces) will be chained and cast into the bottomless pit;
 meaning that where love and spirituality reign negativity and hate
 cannot co-exist. 
 It is the human who expresses one or the other. In the new age now
 upon us only our God nature will be expressed, and heaven will be on
 Earth for all to love and enjoy. We will now from day to day see the
 breakups of old patterns and the coming forth of new age patterns that
 will endure for two-thousand years. It will be very interesting for
 some and a disaster for others.
 ~~  Lectures by Charlie Lutes

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