--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
>   When I read a sentence like this, "Countries where there is
terrible unrest, riots, revolutions, etc. indicate that these places
are heavily inhabited by such destructive people who are causing
turmoil wherever they are" I wonder if this includes countries like
the ones in the Southern Cone which were developing nicely until the
U.S. destabilized them.  I guess this falls under the heading of
creating war (and other types of unrest) out of greed.  But that is
not all Charlie says.   When I read sentences like these, "If the
unwanted destructive population continues to increase, the Earth will
become like hell. These destructive people are not concerned with
developing a trade or honorable profession in life; rather they prefer
to live on welfare or steal from others, and then some deal in drugs,
etc. to make a living from the misery of others," I wonder how big a
step it takes to conclude from such writing that we ought to wipe
these people out, never mind the fact that
>  we created them in the first place through economic and political

You appear to have an imagination driven by your own fears, Angela. It
shows up in much of what you write. Again, nowhere in the lecture does
Charlie say or even remotely suggest anything you are attempting to

> "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               ---
In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
>  <mailander111@> wrote:
>  >
>  > Is Charlie saying that the poor and the desperate are born, not
>  nurtured by economic policies? Seems a pretty important question to
>  I don't see anywhere in that lecture that Charlie said or even
>  remotely suggested anything like what you just asked about, Angela.
>  [snip]
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