On Jan 5, 2008, at 2:12 PM, authfriend wrote:

It really is hard to tell whether Angela is being
deliberately dishonest or is simply unable to keep
track of a conversation.

Obviously she's missed yet another of my posts, headed
"ATT: ANGELA." It's #159772 on the Web site. The one
before that, the repost about her gross misreading--
headed "REPOST FOR ANGELA," is #159643. Since she now
says she has Web access, she should have no trouble
looking these up (but she most likely won't, because
she "won't get" this one either).

SAL--maybe you could help out by giving her these two
numbers? She doesn't seem to have any problems getting
your posts.

Sure, Judy, be glad to--done. :)

Angela, if you can't locate the posts Judy is referring to, I'll be glad to repost them as well in their entirety.


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