--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> > Moderation is fine,
> Good to know.  I'll get back to you on this one.  
> < it's excess that does the harm. >
> I'm glad I'm not paying you for this wisdom.

LOL. Ok, you got me, Curtis. I'll join in.  :-)

> > Basically though Alcohol 
> > (no matter how dressed up) is tamastic (dulling) and you will
> > eventually have/want to give it up if you want a nervous system 
> > pure enough to reflect pure consciousness.

This is one of the things about the TM dogma I 
can only laugh at these days, the spiritual 
naivete of it. I mean, there are intelligent
people on this forum who are terrified of 
onions and garlic, much *less* wine.

What amazes me is that the people who espouse
this shit seem to have completely tuned out 
Maharishi's *own* "200% of life" in favor of
the pre-existing prejudices about the world 
that they brought to the study with them. For
some reason they feel guilty or uneasy with
the pleasures of the world, so they cannot 
make room in their concept of enlightenment 
for those pleasures. The point of view that
BillyG is espousing can't even make room for
the world *itself* in his concept of enlight-
enment; it's only a mechanism for stopping
incarnation and getting out of the world 

In my book, the more things, places, practices
and people a seeker considers "bad" or undesir-
able or incompatible with enlightenment, the
further they are from enlightenment.

> I think you should be directing this to the guy who took perfectly
> good water and turned it into the tamasic (dulling) wine.

Jeezus was clearly Off The Program. 

You don't suppose he ate garlic and potatoes
and shrooms and other tamassic stuff, too?

We'd better reject him if he did. Put him in
the "you can't have anything to do with this
and still be enlightened" column.

> I believe that a "nervous system pure enough to reflect pure
> consciousness" is vastly overrated as a goal. 

Not to mention being a totally bogus concept,
given the history of enlightenment on this 
planet. Some of the human beings *most* regarded
as enlightened had pretty heavy-duty lifestyles
in terms of sex, booze, and rock n' roll.

> Just because MMY is kind of a prude about wine...

Not to mention the other things he's a prude about.

> ...there are plenty of traditions of
> spirituality that are not. (where is Turq when you need him!) 

Sorry, I was busy in another thread talking up the
benefits of drinking and carousing and having Tantric
sex in graveyards.  :-)

> Christianity, Sufis Certain Buddhists... I don't need any of them to
> tell me not to do too many shooters with idiotic names. But if you
> have never done a body shot off of your girlfriend's stomach, your
> enlightenment is incomplete no matter how pure you may think your
> nervous system is!

Just as a suggestion, using a skull cup to hold the 
shot is a lot less messy than drinking the booze dir-
ectly from your girlfriend's bellybutton. Less chance 
of spilling the booze if she's ticklish, too.  :-)

> > > So I am willing to include the pleasure of meditation and the 
> > > states it produces in the party of life.  But why crown it 
> > > king as if there is a competition with the other pleasures 
> > > great and small that make life great. In fact the contrast is 
> > > really what makes bliss blissful right, the old moving in the 
> > > tub thing.  I just get such a denial of life vibe from most 
> > > spiritual points of view.

It's one of the most hypocritical elements of an 
already hypocritical spiritual tradition (the TMO).
They talked up "meditation as a preparation for
activity" and "200% of life" in the intro lectures,
but in reality praise and hold up as examples of
"how to live" and "the best students" the people 
who hole up in hotel rooms with their eyes closed 
and who can't handle even being in the same building 
as members of the opposite sex. Maharishi himself 
hasn't seen the outside of his room in decades, as
far as I know.

It's a movement full of people who *talk* meditation
as a way of having a more fulfilled life, but who in
reality run away from life, into meditation. Their 
very *goal* (as espoused clearly in this thread by
BillyG) is to run away from life FOREVER, and stop 
the process of incarnation.

> > Life in harmony with the will of God is the most beautiful 
> > life you can have, we don't have that in the world today.

So much bullshit in this short sentence I don't know
where to start with my shovel.  :-)

First, how do you *know* the "will of God?" How do
you even know that God exists? IF God exists, is
He NOT in the wine you consider incompatible with
enlightenment? Is he NOT in every atom of every-
thing "in the world today?"

> I gotta say that this belief seems kinda flimsy. How could you
> possibly know what life is more beautiful than another?  Today I 
> was surrounded with people grooving to my music, and the kids 
> were dancing with maracas in their hands, and the sun was shining, 
> and the Potomac river was reflecting it all back to my eyes.  And 
> I said to myself "what a wonderful world".  Ever run that through 
> your nervous system?

Probably not. The most interesting thing that happens
in a day in the life of a wannabee recluse in the TMO
is that they don't serve brussel sprouts at dinner. :-)

They have opted for a lifestyle that is as divorced 
from the joys of life as possible, and aspire to even 
MORE of one -- no life at all.

Not my kinda goal.

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