> Yes, yes. To me, that's equivalent to seeing myself in others and
> others in my self. I think it's totally natural, even inherent in most
> of us humans - and with music it can be/is accentuated when it comes
> 'from' the artist.
> I guess for me, I would refer to it as a real sadhana of expansion of
> empathy. One cannot ignore the role of music in the expression of, and
> the expansion of, and the sharing of, the 'common' underneath depth of
> - the human soul.
> And what's funny is I can't hardly carry a tune by voice or play any
> instrument. I only get to appreciate that and be moved by it from

Very nicely said,thanks for posting that.

Since you have the internal part of music developed already, the only
thing left is the athletic part.  Connecting an action to the sounds.
That just takes repetition for short periods of time over many days. 
You might really enjoy playing an instrument, so don't cut yourself
short if you really love music.  Talent is overrated and practice is
underrated IMO. 

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