--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Adrian Price <a.price79@> 
> >
> >   Hi,
> >  
> > I heard about a new website called santapixel.com. A very 
> > interesting and entertaining website. You sign up for free. 
> > Click on ads, surf in web sites and earn points. Then you 
> > win gifts by points. 
> >  
> > While signing up, enter  a.price79@ (my username) as 
> > your reference. So both of us earn 50 points.
> >  
> > See you
> Hi Adrian,
> As intriguing as the idea of earning "points" by
> watching ads on websites is, I decided not to go
> to the site you mentioned and sign up.
> Instead, I went to several well-known child porn-
> ography sites and entered your username as a sub-
> scriber. I'm sure this will help you to earn points
> as well, although of a slightly different kind, and
> possibly from law enforcement authorities.
> See you.

1) I've been on the internet for 10 years and although I am aware of 
the concept of child pornography and that it appears somewhere on the 
internet, I wouldn't know where to look for a child pornography site 
EVEN IF I GOOGLED IT.  Yet Barry Wright is familiar enough with child 
pornography that he knows which ones are "well-known".  Hmmmm.

2) Adrian has committed the terrible crime of forum spamming (see 
http://tinyurl.com/2eb8sk).  How horrible.  Adrian is wasting our 
time by making pocket money.  Kinda like the solicitations we all 
used to get in the '70s and '80s by recently recruited Amway salesmen 
trying to get us to go to one of their pep rallies to sign us up so 
that we become part of their downline.  The difference here, of 
course, is that Adrian wastes about 5 seconds of my time as I read 
his silly post whereby the Amway people used to waste about 5 hours 
of my time if I got suckered into going to one of their meetings (it 
happened to me at least twice with Amway and about 3 times with other 
multi-level marketing solicitations).

3) In punishment for his "crime", Barry Wright has put Adrian into a 
position of actually being accused of a very real crime (can you 
say "Pete Townsend"?).  He has done what is probably the meanest, 
lowest thing that can be done on the internet: he has pretended to be 
someone he is not and misrepresented another person's username.  And 
not just anywhere but feeding it into a child pornography site, a 
place that I would assume Adrian has never, ever visited nor has a 
desire to visit.  

Barry has framed Adrian.  Barry has become upset because Adrian 
wasted about 5 seconds of Barry's time and has therefore deemed it 
justice that to put Adrian in a very real position of having to deal 
with authorities is equivalent to what Adrian did to Barry.

If I were Adrian, I would, instead, alert said authorities to Barry's 
crime which was (1) identity theft; and (2) identity theft for the 
purpose of framing another.

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