--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If *you* claim all this and then act like an idiot, 
> doesn't it kinda make it look like what Maharishi's 
> teachings *produce* is idiocy?
What does the "B" in "Turdquoise B" stand for, anyway? "Bitch"? Cuz 
that's all I hear from your direction- a little whiny bitch. Oh, 
right, because of your dog... hey bitch did I forget to act 
enlightened? Or should I get in touch with my "inner asshole"? or do 
we just do that when we're drinking? Damn, clue me in Turdquoise, I'm 
gettin' lost out here in Reality

...bitch. :-)

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