Peter, there are things about both McCain and Romney that concern 
me, but I agree with you that either would be a significant 
improvement over the present fuck-ups in office.  They have so 
thoroughly screwed the pooch it's unbelievable.

But Romney strikes me as far too expedient in his ambitions for 
power, and McCain, whose personality I like and whose personal 
history I admire, is far too warlike in his response to Islamic 
radicalism/fascism.  I'd like to see far more time and effort spent 
to understand the cultural personality that fosters (or at least 
doesn't suppress) the type of violence that we see perpetrated under 
the banner of Islam.  Rather than just say that they are 
our 'enemies', we have to figure out what have we done and what are 
we doing -- in their eyes -- that stimulates such hatred.  We can 
deal with terrorism more effectively (IMO) if we have, as you point 
out, a paradigm shift in how we see the problem and how we address 


--- In, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- Marek Reavis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > More and more I'm viewing this campaign as being a
> > pivot point in 
> > the direction of world consciousness.
> > 
> > Marek
> Really will be interesting to see what happens. I
> think McCain or Romney would be fine moderate
> Republican presidents and would make great strides in
> correcting the debacle of Bush's eight years. But it
> would, to a large degree be a course correction within
> the same paradigm. An Obama presidency would be a
> paradigm change. I don't know how much he could get
> done because  he really would be hit with tremendous
> resistance from the right. But it would be very nice
> to get out of Iraq (No more Saddam, no WMD...isn't the
> mission over ??)and start pulling the country back
> from financial ruin and servitude to China.
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