Please note that Dr G M is an outstanding Indian Governor responsible for single-handedly creating the first group of 8,000 pundits in India. He is a Maharishi-trained TM-Sidhi instructor and teacher of Advanced Techniques.

Farrokh & Ruffina

Dear Friends:

I am an Indian physician who was Maharishiji's personal physician at the time that Dr Deepak Chopra was assisting Maharishiji in England, as per his article entitled "The Maharishi Years - the Untold Story". I must inform you that his article is replete with untruths and inaccuracies. I was at Maharishiji's side during the entire incident. Some of the details of the article that I know to be untrue are as follows:
there was no blood transfusion from Dr  Chopra;
Maharishi was not on a ventilator and was not pronounced  dead as claimed;
he did not have kidney failure at all at that  time;
Dr Chopra's father attended Maharishi in India, but not in  London;
there was no helicopter involved;
Dr Chopra did not  carry Maharishiji in his arms into the hospital.

Dr Chopra was handsomely paid for his services by the movement. These facts can be corroborated by Prakash and Kirti from the Indian TM movement and Maharishiji's medical records would bear this out as well. There were two other Indian physicians involved, both of whom were instructed in TM by Farrokh. They can confirm the facts as well.

Dr G. M.

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