did you not see that there was a massive shake up in
the intelligence agencies because they were being
blamed for the WMD mess but could not tell the 100%
truth because it would betray the President.  They
told Bush there were no weapons.  Bush did not want to
hear that.   The chief inspector from ENgland he may
be dead now.  Was Salient about the fact that there
were no weapons of mass destruction.  Tony Blair
almost got impeached over this.  The guy committed
suicide.   I dont sit around researching this stuff
all the time and I am dyslexic so I dont always get 
the names right. Yet I can do.  You can too, But you
look for what you want.  I read Newsmax and even
tolerate Ann Coulter and Fox news.   When my friend
called G HW on the phone for me to say hello and he
told me about all the Bush family does for Black
people, I almost voted for Bush.  Especially after
Dukakais dissed Jessie Jackson and chose another name
I can not remember.   Instead I tried to support Louis
Sullivan the republican Doctor who started Morehouse
Medical School with the help of Barbara Bush.   George
W Bush is a nut case and anyone who would say they
will continue his strategy is an absolute idiot.   
--- "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Louis McKenzie wrote:
> > The Invasion of Iraq was based upon current
> > intelligence reports current meaning post 2001.
> >
> The intelligence reports that were current in 2001
> indicated that Saddam had weapons of mass
> destruction.
> That's why 97% of your congressional leaders voted
> to authorize the president to use force to unseat
> the Saddam regime. That's why John F. Kerry, who was
> on the Senate intelligence committee, voted FOR the 
> authorization. 
> > The weapons inspectors reported that he did not 
> > have any WMDs but Bush's special home made 
> > intelligence said that he did have.   
> >
> Which weapons inspectors report, exactly, are you 
> referring to that said Saddam did not have any WMD?
> > One thing I love about the internet is all you 
> > have to do is go to Youtube or google and
> research.  
> >
> So, then you won't have any trouble citing the
> report
> about the weapons inspectors that said that Saddam
> didn't have any weapons of mass destruction.
> > then you will learn whatever you need to know.   
> >
> What I need to know is, if Saddam had WMD in the
> 1980's 
> and used them on his own people, why he wouldn't
> have 
> any WMD in the 1990's. But the real reason that we 
> invaded Iraq wasn't to find WMD, but to find out if 
> he did or did not have them. Either way, we now know
> that he didn't. If we had not invaded, we would not
> know to this day whether or not he had them. If he
> didn't have them, we would still be thinking he did 
> have stockpiles of WMD. That would be worse than if
> he did have them.
> > Several members of the bush administration have 
> > written books about his burning desire to attack 
> > Iraq. His attack was not based up the 80's.
> >
> "This study, completed by the CIA's Office of
> Scientific 
> and Weapons Research after the conclusion of the
> first 
> Persian Gulf War, examined the status of the four 
> components of Iraq's WMD programs -- chemical
> weapons, 
> biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and ballistic 
> missiles -- as of January 15, 1991, the day
> President 
> George H.W. Bush signed National Security Directive 
> 54, authorizing the use of force to drive Iraqi
> forces 
> from Kuwait.
> The report asserted that Iraq apparently believed
> that 
> it needed chemical weapons both as a deterrent and
> to 
> fulfill its role as "protector" of the Arab world.
> There 
> were strong indications, according to the report,
> that 
> Iraq was prepared to use chemical weapons in any 
> conflict with the United States. The author(s) 
> characterized Iraq's biological weapons program as 
> "the most extensive in the Arab world." With respect
> to nuclear weapons, the report concluded that Iraq 
> probably had the capability, if combined with 
> clandestinely acquired foreign technology, to
> develop 
> nuclear weapons in the late 1990s. Iraq's ballistic 
> missile program was "the most advanced in the Arab 
> world," the report also concluded."
> Read the full report:
> Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction:
> http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB80/
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