To All:

I was watching a film clip on UTube last night which featured a 
Physics Professor Kaku from New York City University.  He stated 
that, at the present time, there appears to be no evidence of any 
civilizations in the galaxy that have achieved mastery over nature.  
Physicists are using a classification system with the following 
achievement value:

Class 1- a civilization that has achieved mastery in using the 
available resources in its own planet.

Class 2 - a civilization that has harnessed the power of the Sun, 
after exhausting the energy resources in its own planet.

Class 3 - a civilization that has harnessed the power of the galaxy, 
after exhausting its reliance on the Sun.

Using this criteria, the professor believed that the Earth is Class 
Zero since the civilization of Earth is still relying on fossil fuels 
for its enery resource.

In science fiction speak, Class 2 civilizations would be equivalent 
to the Star Trek spacefarers.

Class 3 civilizations would be equivalent to the Empire in Star Wars.

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