The below three levels of energy usage have kicked around since 1964
in astronomy, and the discussions are very complex.  This Professor
Kaku knows that with our present technology, it would be sheer luck
for us to pick up on other intelligent life in our galaxy, since
there's so many ways to imagine communication that, given our
development, and given the much more advanced development that 
virtually any extra-terrestial intelligences would be using,
technologies beyond our ken, it is impossible to say whether or not
our galaxy is teeming with communications or if we're the first to
achieve even our low abilities.  We could be like ants with modern
scientific life on earth completely being unknown despite all the
radio and tv signals pulsing through their tiny brains.  

ET could be right here, right now, in a variety of ways that we simply
cannot know of at this stage of our, except for
maybe enlightened dudes who can pick up on them as devas, gods, etc.

John, you should read up on this concept more: you below conclusions
and your wordings indicate that you have barely scratched the
surface...even to the point of misrepresenting the concept with
incorrect subtleties....such as your use of the word "exhaust" below
when there's no such consideration in the general concept that a
civilization must exhaust any of its resources before it gets the
technological ability to harness the energy of a star or a galaxy.

Here's the wiki page for the concept:

And I don't believe that the Star Wars scenario had any technology
beyond Type II civilization.   Type III technology is such a vaster
abillity as to make harnessing a single star as insignificant as our
"ant like" ability to harness coal and make steam.


--- In, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To All:
> I was watching a film clip on UTube last night which featured a 
> Physics Professor Kaku from New York City University.  He stated 
> that, at the present time, there appears to be no evidence of any 
> civilizations in the galaxy that have achieved mastery over nature.  
> Physicists are using a classification system with the following 
> achievement value:
> Class 1- a civilization that has achieved mastery in using the 
> available resources in its own planet.
> Class 2 - a civilization that has harnessed the power of the Sun, 
> after exhausting the energy resources in its own planet.
> Class 3 - a civilization that has harnessed the power of the galaxy, 
> after exhausting its reliance on the Sun.
> Using this criteria, the professor believed that the Earth is Class 
> Zero since the civilization of Earth is still relying on fossil fuels 
> for its enery resource.
> In science fiction speak, Class 2 civilizations would be equivalent 
> to the Star Trek spacefarers.
> Class 3 civilizations would be equivalent to the Empire in Star Wars.

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