Angela Mailander wrote:
> Here's an interview with the Rev Wright...
Wright should probably have just kept his 
mouth shut; he's already cost Obama the 
Dem nomination.

"It's not likely he can overcome the media 
attention now riveted on his former pastor. 
For Obama, the reappearance of the Rev. 
Wright comes at just the wrong moment -- 
stealing time and attention Obama needs for 
himself, reminding superdelegates that, 
despite Obama's eloquent speech about race 
in America, the controversy likely will be 
a part of any general election campaign."

Read more:

'For Obama, Wright the Latest in a Long 
Line of Tests'
By Dan Balz
Washington Post, Aprile 28, 2008

"Africans have a different meter, and 
Africans have a different tonality," he 
said. Europeans have seven tones, Africans 
have five. White people clap differently 
than black people. "Africans and 
African-Americans are right-brained, 
subject-oriented in their learning style," 
he said. "They have a different way of 
learning. And so on." - Pastor Jeremiah Wright

Read more:

'Jeremiah Wright, racial phrenologist'
Posted by Michelle:
Michelle Malkin, April 28, 2008

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