--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"
> After breathing the solvents he had used produced no effect, Hofmann 
> suspected that the synthetic drug was the source. "LSD spoke to me," 
> he said. "He came to me and said, 'You must find me.' He told 
> me, 'Don't give me to the pharmacologist, he won't find anything.' "
> "A peculiar pre-sentiment" - One of those intuitive
> moments where the unconcious mind seems to know more about
> what's going on than you do. 
> Like Francis Crick dreaming of spiral staircases when
> he was stuck on working out how DNA reproduced itself.
> One of the greatest flashes of inspiration. But rumour
> has it that when he was on his death-bed he admitted
> the inspiration came to him during an acid trip.

Here's an interesting piece of American celebrity
lore that I always found interesting. Picture Cary
Grant, right? The quintessence of outgoing charm, 
poise, elegance, and savoir faire, even though he
started life as Archie Leach in a poor neighborhood
in England. Well, as it turns out, Cary Grant drop-
ped acid 2-3 times a week for much of his adult life
under the care of his psychiatrist, a rebel who 
"came up" during the early psychedelic revolution 
with Leary and Alpert, and who never abandoned his 
belief that it (LSD) could be a powerful and bene-
ficial psychiatric tool. It would appear, given the 
generally positive response that most people have 
to the vibe of his long-term patient, that he was 

I agree with Curtis and with others who said that
the trouble with LSD was the "recreationalization"
of the drug. It was a sacrament, and used as one,
could lead to valuable insights -- about the world,
about the self, and about Self. Like him, I never
had anything but the most positive, uplifting 
experiences during the period that I experimented
with LSD, and have the greatest respect for it.
I liken its "cheapening" as something to party
down with to some callous youth finding a 200-year-
old bottle of the finest cognac and seeing it only
as a way to get drunk.

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