--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did this person *take* this anywhere, or just rap?
> Curious in Sitges

Dear Sitgesji,

That was just part of a discourse after a long lead group 
meditation.  The comments went towards this:

"There's something for us to listen to about that. 
 ...talking from the level of the heart that we're talking about, not 
just emotional, but the spiritual heart.  ...directly connected to 
this opening to the heart of the world, which is really opening into 
the core of the earth's intelligence, the revelation of the purpose 
of Gaia, of our planet, its self-revealing mechanism revealing 

That's what we're headed towards, awakening to the self-revealing 
mechanism of the planet in relation to the heart of its own 
consciousness. That feeds back into our consciousness, into our 
heart, into our awakening. The planet is going through expressed 
possibilities, and these possibilities in a sense are all living 
simultaneously. They can be everything from a completely apocalyptic 
possibility to a complete heaven-on-earth possibility, and all 
possibilities in between are in the range. The planet is sending out 
signals of possibilities from its own heart intelligence, offering 
different options, different ways to bring certain things about. 
We're at one of those convergent choice points. That's why it's such 
a powerful time and an amazing time."


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