Entire Nation states, Corporate entities, Politicians and Organised 
Religions all try to be free of responsibility of their actions.
      So I don't understand what you disagree in this..??
      With Great powers comes Great responsibilites.
      Theoriticaly, along with the big E comes Cosmic responsibility..??
      If Maharishi is Cosmic, then he should take responsibility for the whole 
of Cosmos..??

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 06:43:16 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Most Dangerous Dogma ?

I disagree. That's not what I was getting at"
in my post at all. That's a side issue.

The more important issue IMO is that people
who have chosen to believe that enlightenment
is a state in which the enlightened can do no
wrong are believing in it because they are IMO
looking to be free of responsibility for their
actions. They don't LIKE having to consider the
effects of their thoughts and actions, and so
they have bought into a world view that preaches 
that there is a point at which they never have to
worry about responsibility ever again. *Someday*
they will be enlightened, and at that point God
or Nature or whatever will "take over" and run
things for them, and everything they do will
be perfect, and they can RELAX, secure in the
knowledge that *everything* they do is perfect.

THAT is the essential message of the dogma I
am speaking about. THAT is what people who 
believe this message have bought into. They
are working towards a point at which they can
announce to the world -- as so many so-called
enlightened have done before them -- "What I say
and do is *by definition* life-supporting and
positive for all around me. My actions are *by
definition* RIGHT." 

In other words, IMO they are looking (consciously
or subconsciously) for other people to project 
onto them awe and authority, the *same* way they 
have projected those characteristics onto the 
people they consider enlightened. As evidence 
for my position (which could well be full of 
shit), I present the actions of innumerable 
claimants of the title of "enlightened" when
their holy word is challenged or NOT reacted to
with awe and submission to authority. Just look
at how Maharishi has always reacted to those who
don't do *exactly* what he tells them to do. Just
look at how some of the claimants of enlighten-
ment who have graced this forum have reacted when
we perceived their presence as less than "grace"
and their pronouncements as less than authoritative.

One of my reasons for bringing up this subject in
the first place was to see if anyone here (many 
if not most of whom still believe this dogma 
thoroughly) would try to come up with some intel-
lectual reason FOR believing it. So far, no one
has. They've talked around it, and made excuses
for why the fact that they believe it has no 
practical impact on their lives, but no one has
stepped up to the plate and defended the belief
itself. I'm interested in whether anyone can.

It's the most cherished, most fundamental, and
least challenged piece of dogma in the arsenal
of the dogma of enlightenment. NO ONE was ever
*born* believing in the enlightened as being "100%
in accord with the 'laws of nature' and thus in-
capable of non-life-supporting acts." Someone TOLD
them that this was "how it works," and they chose
to believe it.

So, those of you who still do, WHY do you still
choose to believe it? Can you present any arguments
to support your belief?
  --- In  Jason <jedi_spock@ ...> wrote:
> You have hit the nail right on it's head.
> You see, this is just an extension of the old Semitic 
> religion's dogma......
> Islam can do no wrong.
> The Koran can do no wrong.
> The Prophet can do no wrong.
> Ayatholla Khomeni can do no wrong.
> The Bible can do no wrong.
> Jesus can do no wrong.
> The Pope can do no wrong.
> The Catholic church can do no wrong.
> Israel can do no wrong..!!!!! etc etc etc



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