--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I find this an odd judgment, Judy. I saw nothing ungracious in Obama,
> and I thought his tribute to Clinton was excellent (far more 
> and detailed, than her brief acknowledgement of him). You write that
> "last night should have been Clinton's exclusively." Why? Why should
> he cede the limelight to a defeated opponent? How were his
> actions "disrespectful" to Clinton? It would have been odd had he not
> made the speech he did. He has, after all, just won the Democratic
> nomination, an amazing, historic achievement. 
I agree-- what he did was in the best interests of the country and the 
party. I can appreciate that she wants to plan her next moves, given 
that it was a close contest, but we need to move on. Obama and Clinton 
definitely should be talking about how to bring everyone together for 
the common goal of defeating McCain, and what her "reward" should be 
for doing the great job that she has. I don't think though that she 
belongs as VP on the ticket, or that she wants that. 

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