On Jul 9, 2008, at 8:08 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

ruthsimplicity wrote:

Well, then it could have been pernicious anemia which is a vitamin
B-12 deficiency. But B-12 shots will be necessary. Or it could be
folic acid deficiency anemia, but this is resolved by taking folic
acid supplements. But most likely, if it really was anemia, it was due
to an iron deficiency.

None of the anemias will require eating meat.

Not that I think that meat is bad in moderation.  We are omnivores
after all.
Some people are helped by the supplements but not all.   Once again my
story: when I had a physical with a naturopath in 1972 he asked if I was a vegetarian? I told him I had been experimenting with it for the last two weeks and he pointed out that I was already anemic and showed me how
to tell.  He recommended eating meat (not necessarily red meat) two or
three times a week.  Of course I didn't necessarily follow that advice
(trying more vegetarianism)  and when I didn't I paid for it.  I've
talked to people with similar stories. I've talked to people who tried
supplements to solve this and they didn't work.  There's much more at
play often than just anemia.  Some people's pH won't get balanced
properly without some meat.  We have a lot of nutritionists concerned
about an acid forming diet but not noticing that there and be some
people who will suffer from excess alkalinity too.  One of the more
recent books on the topic I've read is Gabriel Cousin's "Conscious
Eating" but I've heard for the last 30 years about problems with excess alkalinity (often makes one too vata). Our bodies are crazy things. :)

This would help explain the appearance of long-term Purushas who, last I popped in to visit them, in the late 80's, they looked like death warmed over: fragile, pale, anemic and depleted, like they had been vampirized. A psychic friend who accompanied us on the visit didn't want to even get near them!

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