--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> 
> > <snip>
> > > Why so upset that people who are
> > > working directly for MMY were doing something somewhat
> > > differently than you, who were not working directly for him?
> > > Jealous?
> > 
> > What I don't understand is why Shemp is responding to
> > a post that was made in 2004.
> >
> What are you talking about?
> We aren't in 2004?

Well, since time is relative, right?
Didn't someone prove that thingy...?
So, we are in a period in which the idea and reality of 'Linear Time' 
seems to be changing.
Let's face it a Yuga lasts a long, long, long time.
And somehow now, we're bottoming out...
We're at the maximum polarity, of hot and cold good and evil, Bush 
and Barack....
And so on...
So, the idea of suddenly shifting from Kali-Yuga, to some other place;
Seems like we're at the bottom of the wheel...
Or pretty near approaching the bottom of the wheel, like in the Mayan 
thingy of 2012, and all that jazz...
So, the time thingy, needs to become more realized as being the main 
illusion of the field of Maya...this group consiousness of limited 
time, sequential time, time clocks, time is money, time for this time 
for that?
So, once we get past the bottom, or the maxing out of the extreme 
polarities, which is what is felt now, by even the dullest 
consciousnesss, that the 'times they are a changin',
Type of thingy.
Well, one of the main things which will change is the perception of 
this thing call Time...
Time horizon for leaving Iraq?
We'll see about that.

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