> > I don't think its a clear indication that he was breaking away. I 
> think its a clear
> >  indication that he's asserting authority where none officially 
> existed and teh 
> > TMO has made thebest of his independent actions by embracing them 
> after 
> > the fact.
> > 
> > Lawson

> I think the guy's a Rahshasa and his one redeeming factor is that he 
> didn't spend too much time around his uncle so that he didn't have 
> his individuality and his self-starting abilities beaten out of him.

Well, nature abhors a vacumn.
So, in a political situation, which this is; who will lead...
Then if there is a vacumn in India, then this is a natural response, 
that was predictable;
There doesn't need to be a competition about teaching in India.
I'm not sure of all the details, but you could tell something was 
bound to happen.
Power and money tend to corrupt, in general.
It would be a shame though, if this shake-up becomes destructive.
There just seems to be a lack of leadership?
So, in a way, like what is happening in this country...
Even though Bush is still president...
In the vacumn of leadership that he has created, comes Barack to fill 
it .
As we saw this past week, leading in a positive way, and beginning the 
healing and trust that the past years of aggressive greed has created.

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