--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "alan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well I am looking for somebody smart like you.I'll proabaly have to 
> wait to find some one as refined and intelligent ..Perhaps even a 
> life time or two.I am humbled..You are right..It was a choice of poor 
> words.Usually the attempt to be honest and forward and open are 
> botched and are clumsy attempts for me...Hey it worked with my second 
> wife and I really miss her and so I thought I would give it another 
> try.Incidently I just want to say just because you meditate regularly 
> and for 32 years doesn't always mean all your lines of developement 
> as Ken Wilber would say are on par or the most mature or evolved.I am 
> not saying this to justify anything but only trying to introduce some 
> ideas here that others may or may not be aquainted with..Yeah my 
> words were poor on a social level or cultured social level but I am 
> essentially very uncultured..I am not unclean or an ogre or ignorant 
> though..Just wanting to spread my wings and be me as I am and grow 
> from there..Hey good luck to you too in what ever you do.
> I think you also commented to some one and said.., "I hope they don't 
> have children"
> Well if that was a comment to me I happen to have four children.One 
> is a college professor of antropology at Portland State 
> University.She speak four languages fluently..Another daughter is a 
> fourth grade elementary school teacher.One son is s sou chef at the 
> Benson Hotel in Downtown Portland and the youngest I am almost 
> certain is a reincarnated tibetan lama..Well I guess I am not as 
> crude or ogre like as I even think sometimes..
> Now if this was a centering prayer email list I would have really 
> been a good boy but hey since its a t.m list I am just myself.
> I think it goes like this..." Get good and get god" no no
> Get God and get good yes yes' MMY
> hey have a nice day .
> Alan

So, let's get this straight.  You now concur with Judy that it was a
"poor choice of words", Right?  So, now, after half of the group here
initially sided with you (and your poor choice of words) you change
your mind!  Where does that leave Dr. Peter, Turq, Curtis, Mainstream,
&  Lurk, I guess eating their own words, and yours! even YOU don't
agree with them, what a great turn of events!! Ha, ha.....................

I guess that leaves me smelling like a Rose, Right?

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