--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was talking to a friend who is very well connected
> in the TMO and the subject of why the Maharishi Effect
> doesn't seem to be all that effective (if at all) came
> up. Turns out I was wrong about everything but I'd never
> heard the particular set of excuses, erm sorry "reasons"
> before.
> One thing of interest was the floods this year near Vedic
> city. Contrary to Bobs idea that they were purging the 
> world of sinners and those unfit to join in the wonderful
> AofE, it turns out they were caused be nature destroying
> the crops of non-organic farmers! The fools, they'll pay 
> for their crimes against nature.
> That was according to Bevan anyway. 

There are days when logging on to read FFL
feels like reading the deleted chapters from
"One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest."

I mean, you've got Nabby claiming that he 
teaches animals to meditate (probably while
hovering over them while flying), you've got
Bevan claiming not only that the ME does some-
thing -- anything -- but that its real effect
is to destroy non-organic crops, you've got
Bob saying that the destruction of the Georgian
population is "no big deal." You've got Nabby
saying "The Movement is always right" and those
who claim that their purpose is to expose lies
on this forum saying absolutely *nothing* in
response to that claim. You've got people trying
to demonize Rick because someone *else* hasn't
published the book they're not going to believe
a word of anyway. You've even got "dueling post
count programs," fighting it out for supremacy
and shouting, "You're a LIAR -- MY count is
correct and yours is WRONG" at each other.

This place is a ZOO.

All that anyone would ever have to do to counter
the claims that TM produces an increased ability
to think rationally is to suggest that people 
read FFL and point out to the readers which of 
the posters are regular TM practitioners. 

( The two dueling computer programs mentioned 
above can be classified as non-TMers unless Nabby
has developed a "love factor" with them and taught 
them to meditate. )

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