Robert wrote:
> I don't understand what the problem is with this.
So, you're confused. FYI to Robert: the good guys
are the Georgians; the bad guys are the Russians.
Your candidate, Barak Obama supports the good guys.

Do you now understand?

> In the middle of a war, whose war is it?

Barak fully supports the war in Afghanistan and he
fully supports the Georgians. Barak wants to send
in more troops to Afghanistan, to win the war.

Now the question is: whose side is Robert on?

> > Sen. Obama: In speaking with the commanders in 
> > Afghanistan, as well as folks who are out in the 
> > field, the strong impression was that more troops 
> > are needed and that we are spread thin. It's not 
> > the only solution, but it is part of a more 
> > comprehensive focus on what I consider to be the 
> > central front on terrorism.

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